I hope this finds you all well, June is flying by and there is lots going on here. I am slowly working through the commissions that have come in over lockdown, all my clients have been very understanding as things are taking a bit longer than usual and I am very grateful for all the work that has come my way during this difficult time. Below are a couple of the commissons I recently finished and sent out, one is a beautiful and dreamy dendritic agate set in 18kt gold on a silver plaited band, the other is a vibrant pink synthetic ruby and I'm so pleased with how it turned out, the stone really glows when the light hits it!
Below are a few of the comissions still in progress (along with a couple of availabe pieces) If you are interested in commissioning a piece from me please do get it touch, I am happy to chat and we can arrange a virtual consultation over Zoom or Facetime to talk design and look at gems.
I also wanted to let you know about the Digital Craft Festival, this month I should have been exhibiting for the first time at Craft Festival in Bovey Tracey, this of course had to be cancelled (I am now booked in for 2021) and instead there will be a digital version. The organisers have been working very hard putting together an online festival and I took part in a pre recorded converstion with three other makers, you can find it under the title Skills and Process Part 1 and it will be going live on the 26th June. The photo below shows my recording set up, it's the first time I have ever done anything like this and it was very out of my comfort zone!
All the best,